BOIOTI – nga fjala shqipe BIE, fis malor shqiptar i Epirit lindor – Pamjet

Shkruan Shqipe Hoxha. Emri i lashtë është trashëguar nga një emër fisnik i fiseve shqiptare.

BOIOTI fis malor i Epirit lindor dhe ka të bëjë me foljen e shqipes bie, dhe rrjedh nga PIE bhoio ‘mundi, luftë’.

Sipas G. Meyer është fjalë shqipe dhe ka ngjashmëri në OHJ Berjan ‘beat, hit’, ONord. berja, latine ferio ‘hit, xhiruar’ Kisha e vjetër Sllave e quan ‘Borjo’. luftë betejë.

Prandaj, kuptimi i emrit të fisit mund të ketë qenë “luftëtar”. Emri i lashtë është trashëguar nga një emër fisnik i fiseve shqiptare.

Boioti. A mountain tribe of east Epirus. Is related to Albanian verb bie, derived from PIE bhoio ‘beat, struggle’.

According to G. Meyer16, the Albanian word has cognates in OHG berjan ‘beat, hit’, ONord. berja, Latin ferio ‘hit, shoot’ and Old Church Slavic borjo ‘fight’.

Hence, the meaning of the tribe name might have been “warriors”. The ancient name is inherited in a mediaeval Albanian tribe name.

16 Meyer, G. (1891). Etymologisches Wörterbuch der albanischen Sprache I, Strassburg, p. 35.

Arta, Epirus. Monastery of Kato Panagia, view from the east. Photograph by Carl Siele, 1910. It was exhibited at the International Exhibition of Rome in 1911.

Arta, Epirus. Church of Agios Vasilios, view from the east. Photograph by Carl Siele, 1910. It was exhibited at the International Exhibition of Rome in 1911.

Arta, Epirus. Interior of the Church of Agios Vasilios, view from west to east. Photograph by Carl Siele, 1910. It was exhibited at the International Exhibition of Rome in 1911.

Zagori is a network of 46 beautiful villages spread all over the mountains on the north east of Ioannina.

Shqipe Hoxha

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